Shooting Agent in Scotland

If you are looking for any kind of sporting holiday in the Highlands - be it salmon fishing, shooting or deer stalking - then contact Hugh Blakeney. With over 50 years experience and a personal Sporting Record anyone would be proud of, Hugh has amassed acontact list which is second to none. Providing a very personal service with every enquiry, he can help you find exactly what you are looking for, tailoring every Let to meet individual clients needs. If accommodation is required but not included in a let, then he will help youfind something suitable and can also advise on staff,organising as necessary.
Sport in the Highlands & Islands
Hugh Blakeney specialises in Sporting Lets North of Perth. Sporting Lets can include :
- Salmon & Sea Trout fishing over a large selection of Rivers.~The Spey, Tay, Findhorn & Ness to name but a few.
Sea Trout & Brown Trout Fishing.
- Grouse: - Driven and/or Walked up days
- Pheasant
- Partridge
- Red Deer
- Roe Deer
Hugh uses his extensive contacts to find the perfect let and will discuss with you in detail all options available for any Sporting enquiry. This is particularly useful for anyone wishing to pay their first visit to the stunning Scottish Countryside. Advice will be given on equipment, rentals etc where appropriate. Hugh will also be on hand should you need to ask any questions during your let.
If you have never shot, stalked, or caught a Salmon and would like to do so - please still call us.
Sporting Lets can cover any number of people (within reason) from one day to multiple weeks, with or without accommodation. There is also the opportunity for weekly lets covering two or more of the above along with adjacent accommodation. (e.g..: grouse shooting, stalking and salmon fishing)
Based in the magnificent Spey Valley in the Cairngorm National Park at Grantown on Spey, the gateway to the Whisky Trail, Hugh has amassed loyal clientele who are based all over the world. He has been working independently for over 20 years and attracts considerable repeat custom due to the outstanding quality of the sport available and the service provided. We (Hugh and Christina) are contactable seven days a week and when you initiate an enquiry Hugh will deal with it continuously until completion.
As an independent agent he is able to negotiate tenancies that can cover different sports on a variety of different estates and ownerships and fishing weeks that involve more than one River or different beats on a large River such as the Spey.
Some Estates offer a weekly let to include some salmon and trout fishing, grouse shooting and deer stalking (and a larger number of weeks covering two of these sports). Such a let opens up the opportunity of a member of the party landing a salmon, shooting a grouse and having a successful stalk at a Red deer stag on the same day - something about which much has been written in the sporting press.
Call Today
If you would like to enquire about any Sporting Let then please don't hesitate to get in touch. You can give us a call on (+44) 01479 873 088 or send your query via the "Contact Us" page provided. If you call and we are unavailable then simply leave a message and we will return your call as soon as possible.
You can also e-mail on any of the following:
- Send email info@blakeneysportings.co.uk
The countryside around Grantown on Spey and in the Highlands generally is absolutely outstanding. It is what keeps our clients coming back time after time so if you are looking for any Fishing, Shooting or Deer Stalking please get in touch .